Monday, 14 January 2019

The Nationals on Airtribune

Thanks for registering to attend the 2019 Nationals. 

A quick message for all who are attending the 2019 Hang Gliding nationals including all who have registered or intend to register.

Short request is that you sign up to Air Tribune and register for the event through the following link. More information is below for those who would like to know more.

This year we intend to include more technology in our event to run it more smoothly, make information readily available online to pilots and other participants and also to incorporate live tracking and to make the event more accessible to people who are interested in following the event remotely. The key facilitator for this is Air Tribune. You can easily find our event by going to and looking under upcoming events.

Air tribune allows us to keep all event information in one place and up to date. There is event information and photos and each day the task will be uploaded and visible on the map. Air tribune enables live tracking which will allow remote enjoyment of the event and also facilitate drivers in following and finding their pilots. Pilots can use their own spot trackers or use the Air Tribune tracking app on their cellphone (subject to coverage). We are also looking into some options for providing satellite trackers for those who don’t have them.

We believe using Air Tribune will significantly enhance our event making it visible to the outside world and hopefully encouraging other international pilots to consider getting themselves over here for not only this event but future nationals.

Lastly, Track Me NZ are keen to sponsor our Nationals by loaning Spot Trackers to any pilot that needs them.  This means the live tracking will be much better.  Can all pilots please confirm with Matt Barlow whether or not you have a Spot Tracker so Matt can confirm the number of trackers needed for the comp.

Thanks and see you there!

Matt Barlow