- Name
- Club (or overseas)
- Rating
- Glider model & colour
- Class (Open/Sport)
- Address
- Phone
- Emergency Contact Name/Phone
- Any medical conditions?
- Any medication?
- Any allergies?
- T shirt size / how many
- BBQ meal - veg or not
- FAI License No. - if you have one.
Bank Account: 02-0600-0020697-067. Put your own name in the 'Particulars' field, and your PIN number in the 'Reference' field. You will be sent a receipt.
Comp fees are required to pay for various expenses when organising the Nationals e.g.
- Tasman Club levy
- HG Comp Committee levy
- FAI Cat 2 Fee (Group fee, not your individual license fee)
- T-shirt
- Midweek BBQ
- Prizegiving dinner
- Chemical toilet
- Director Fees
- Scorer fees
- Landowner gifts
- Trophies / Day prizes
- Miscellaneous expenses