2018 Results Overall

National Hang Gliding Championships 2018

2018-01-27 to 2018-02-03


Total results

Task Date Distance Day Quality
T1 Day 1 Mt Murchison 2018-01-27 12:00    89.4 km 86% Race to Goal with 6 startgate(s)
T2 Day 2 Mt Murchison 2018-01-28 12:00    48.1 km 65% Race to Goal with 8 startgate(s)
T3 Day 3 Mt Murchison 2018-01-29 12:00    81.6 km 100% Race to Goal with 8 startgate(s)
T4 Day 4 Mt Murchison 2018-01-30 12:00    92.5 km 60% Race to Goal with 8 startgate(s)
T5 Day 5 Mt Murchison 2018-01-31 12:00    59.5 km 60% Race to Goal with 8 startgate(s)
T6 Day 7 Mt Murchison 2018-02-03 12:00    111.9 km 73% Race to Goal with 7 startgate(s)

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor T 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 Total
1 4 John Smith M NZL Moyes RS4 862 575 981 602 495 567 4082
2 3 Matt Barlow M NZL Moyes RS4 803 483 852 269 544 485 3436
3 49 Ollie Chitty M GBR Moyes RX5 Pro Moyes, Cross Country 766 622 375 561 543 460 3327
4 30 Evan Smith M CAN WW T2c 560 543 663 552 434 436 3188
5 20 Hagen Bruggeman M NZL Moyes RX4 530 481 826 535 383 421 3176
6 2 Shane Mackay M NZL Moyes RX5 289 484 616 378 404 729 2900
7 21 Derek McKee M NZL Moyes RS4 540 498 833 224 555 162 2812
8 44 James McKirdy M NZL Moyes RX5 384 467 711 287 484 382 2715
9 19 Grant Tatham M NZL WW T2c 679 396 588 297 544 200 2704
10 13 Les Graham M NZL WW T2c 144 613 270 620 253 443 378 2577
11 6 Max Gebhardt M NZL Moyes RX5 Pro 377 195 798 221 234 430 2255
12 16 Ollie Derry M NZL Moyes RS4 395 391 598 106 276 378 2144
13 27 Piers Throssell M NZL Moyes RX4 508 280 498 106 188 357 1937
14 34 Steve Bankier M NZL Moyes S4 173 491 379 106 438 261 1848
15 39 Cris Lawry M NZL Airborne C4 316 134 384 403 441 0 1678
16 36 Andrew McKirdy M NZL Moyes RS3.5 414 251 207 106 440 199 1617
17 40 John Boot M NZL Moyes RS4 192 123 296 331 135 456 1533
18 50 Ned Pitt Knowles M GBR Aeros Combat 390 236 440 106 215 104 1491
19 9 Pete Helliwell M GBR Aeros Combat L 390 241 599 0 109 105 1444
20 32 John Burton M NZL WW T2 102 239 496 106 379 101 1423
21 28 Adriel Kind M NZL Airborne Sting 3 157 235 150 147 429 282 1400
22 33 Glenn Meadows M NZL WW T2c 392 234 108 106 330 102 1272
23 22 Clint Fraser M NZL Moyes RX4 366 280 0 140 0 448 1234
24 48 Don Cramer M AUS Airborne Sting XC 53 154 150 270 144 445 1216
25 38 Carlos Palmer M NZL WW T2c 53 266 177 106 276 302 1180
26 51 Peter Siess M AUT Airborne Sting XC 239 259 242 106 145 160 1151
27 17 Mark Patton M NZL Aeros Combat L 246 113 376 106 59 150 1050
28 11 Andrew Sinclair M NZL Airborne Sting 2 XC 191 189 67 106 213 261 1027
29 53 Steve Price M NZL Moyes S4 241 265 182 106 166 66 1026
30 26 Tom Kellner M NZL Moyes RX5 85 28 312 260 175 71 931
31 43 Abe Kemp M NZL Moyes S4 53 134 219 106 114 261 887
32 10 Rod Stuart M NZL WW T2 154 154 236 142 106 136 100 874
33 5 Neville Marinko M NZL WW U2 156 107 145 106 243 66 823
34 14 Ian Bowie M NZL WW T2c 272 113 178 106 59 66 794
35 15 John (The Pom) Horgan M Moyes Gecko 155 252 122 176 106 59 66 781
36 31 Craig Manktelow M NZL Moyes Litespeed 4 157 123 94 106 210 66 756
37 47 Martin Smith M 152 184 240 106 0 0 682
38 35 Tom Mulder M 57 28 108 106 243 72 614
39 52 Tom Collet M NZL Airborne C4 53 248 0 106 59 147 613
40 24 Brian Russell M NZL Moyes RX3.5 603 0 0 0 0 0 603
41 18 Steve Cronin M NZL Moyes Malibu 72 63 148 106 59 66 514
42 54 Andrew Blair M NZL 0 124 180 106 0 66 476
43 25 Kirk Milligan M NZL WW Sport 145 102 218 0 0 0 66 386
44 8 Aaron Darby M NZL Moyes Litesport 5 0 28 143 106 59 0 336
45 23 Alex Crawford M NZL Airborne C4 53 28 67 0 0 66 214
46 1 Mark Alton M NZL WW T2c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Report created: 2018-02-03T20:45:15+13:00