Wednesday, 14 August 2019

2020 Nationals Registration

Register for the Nats on Airtribune here.
Thanks Tom Mulder.
I'll put this on a link on the left.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Leagues 2019/2020

Waikato (Kaimais/Paeroas)
Rick Hawkeswood will be organising a League on 30 November/1 December 2019, with reserve dates on the following weekend.

Grant Tatham has put his hand up for a New Year's 'Weekend'  1 - 5 Jan 2020

John Smith will organise a  league Labour Weekend 26/27/28 October 2019.

Bill Degen is arranging the Omarama XC Classic 1/9 Feb.

Sterling Big Sky
Most likely in Omarama, organised by Rod Stuart 2/3/4 Jan 2020

Canterbury Anniversary Weekend (provisional) 15/16/17 Nov
Mt Cheeseman? . Matt Barlow

19/20 Oct, organised by Dan Campbell & Shane Mackay.