Sunday, 3 May 2015

2016 Nationals - The Nelson Golden Triangle

Glenn Meadows has started to do the groundwork for the 2016 Nationals.

The dates are Sat 13 Feb to Sat 20 Feb with 21st Feb as a reserve day.

There are some accommodation links on the left. Sites are:

Sherry River (preferred site if weather favourable)

2WD, skyfloaters ok.

Inwoods Lookout
4WD but good, Advanced Pilots only - no skyfloaters

4WD last 100m, novice site. For stronger SW winds.

Mt Murchison (if we want a drive)
4WD and driver essential.

All vehicles shall require a fire extinguisher and a shovel to be carried at all times in forestry areas. Also having a driver is essential for some of our sites due to access restrictions and difficult roads.

There are links to Topomaps on the left.

Registration procedure as for Wanaka - link is on the left.